Collateral Services
At Avantulo Investment, we pride ourselves on our Collateral Leasing Services, a cost-effective and secure solution tailored to meet your unique financial requirements. Through our extensive network of global investors, we specialize in providing Bank Guarantees and Standby Letters of Credit (BGs & SBLCs) at competitive rates, offering you a strategic means to secure the collateral you need without a substantial upfront investment. Our services not only empower you with vital financial instruments but also help minimize the risk of default, ensuring the security of your investments. With a commitment to financial security, our Collateral Leasing Services offer the assurance you need for your financial endeavors, providing a foundation for success and growth.
Collateral Leasing
At Avantulo Investment, our Collateral Leasing Services offer a dynamic financial solution designed to cater to a wide range of scenarios. Our clients often find themselves in need of urgent funding but lack the conventional security required for borrowing. In other instances, they must raise substantial capital to enter into trade positions, support large commercial transactions like buy/sell contracts, or provide additional security for various financial commitments. Our Collateral Transfer (or Bank Guarantee leasing) services are versatile and can be employed for:
Securing Loans and Credit Lines: Providing the necessary collateral to secure loans and credit lines swiftly and efficiently.
Security for Trade Finance: Facilitating trade by offering the required security for trade finance operations.
Surety and Third-Party Financial Commitments: Offering surety for third-party commitments and financial obligations.
Trading and Overdraft Security: Providing security for trading activities and overdraft facilities.
There is a wide range of reasons why our clients choose to open Collateral Transfer facilities and receive Bank Guarantees through our services, including:
Security for Short to Mid-Term Loans: Offering financial security for short to mid-term loans.
Project Finance Support: Facilitating project finance for terms of up to 5 years.
Property Construction: Providing the necessary backing for property construction projects.
Commodity Contracts and Trade Positions: Enabling clients to confidently enter into commodity contracts and buy/sell or sell/buy positions.
Trade Programs and Investment: Supporting trade programs and investment activities.
Compared to traditional asset-based lending and project finance, Collateral Transfer Financing serves as an expedient and efficient solution for borrowing significant amounts of funding. It eliminates the need for lengthy underwriting processes and exhaustive credit status searches. Our services are structured to provide you with the financial flexibility and agility required to meet your urgent funding needs and pursue opportunities for growth.
Why Collateral Leasing?
At Avantulo Investment, we understand the intricate world of Collateral Transfer (Leasing) and the pivotal role it plays in securing essential financial instruments like Bank Guarantees (BGs) and Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs). While the term ‘leasing’ may not precisely mirror the nature of these instruments, they are, in practice, effectively imported on a ‘rental’ basis, which aptly describes our approach.
BGs and SBLCs are invaluable tools to guarantee payment and secure various financial arrangements. They are commonly utilized as Credit Facility Guarantees to underpin credit lines, loans, and other credit-related transactions. BGs, in particular, are exceptionally suited for this purpose.
In Collateral Transfer, Bank Guarantees can be ‘rented’ from third-party Providers. These Providers, often comprising large private equity firms, hedge funds, and wealthy family offices, engage in Collateral Transfer Agreements with entities seeking to ‘borrow’ or ‘rent’ security in the form of BGs or SBLCs. The Provider pledges their assets, which may include cash, gold, liquid stocks, and shares, to their bank and instructs the issuance of a BG or SBLC to the recipient in exchange for a Contract Fee or ‘rental payment,’ typically on an annual basis. The recipient, in turn, indemnifies the Provider against any potential loss and commits to settling any loans or credit secured by the Guarantee before its expiration. The promise to remove encumbrances or effectively ‘return the Guarantee at expiry’ closely resembles the concept of leasing, hence the term ‘leasing of Bank Guarantees.’
The primary parties involved in this transaction are the Provider and the Recipient, and their respective banks and bankers serve as facilitators rather than direct participants. The Issuing Financing Firm acts on behalf of the Provider, taking their instructions, while the Recipient Firm or Bank represents the Recipient in line with their instructions. Banks do not directly enter into these facilities, as the underlying assets belong to a third party outside the bank, namely the Provider. The Recipient Financing Firm may extend credit to the Recipient against the incoming Guarantee, but their primary role is to receive the Guarantee and accept it as security for any credit granted to the Recipient or Beneficiary.
Furthermore, the financial landscape is evolving, with new private corporations emerging to specialize in collateral management. In the coming years, private banks may offer these services, potentially utilizing their own balance sheets to make such commitments. As of now, these transactions are not included on the bank’s balance sheet, and the strength or rating of the bank does not underpin the guarantee. Instead, all Guarantees issued in this arrangement are for ‘value received,’ making the bank’s rating less consequential.
For recipients of Bank Guarantees or SBLCs, these instruments serve distinct purposes and requirements, tailored to secure credits, loans, third-party performance, or contractual obligations. As these financial instruments cannot be purchased, sold, or traded, they are not associated with bank ratings, and their wording is customized to serve specific objectives.