Suspected Somali pirates seize boat off Horn of Africa.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates: Suspected Somali pirates have seized a Yemeni fishing boat off the Horn of Africa, authorities said late Monday.
A European naval operation in the Mideast, known as EUNAVFOR Atalanta, said the incident remained under investigation.
It said the attack targeted a dhow, a traditional ship that plies the waters of the Mideast, off the town of Eyl in Somalia.
Once-rampant piracy off the Somali coast diminished after a peak in 2011. That year, there were 237 reported attacks in waters off Somalia. Somali piracy in the region at the time cost the world’s economy some $7 billion — with $160 million paid out in ransoms, according to the Oceans Beyond Piracy monitoring group.
Increased international naval patrols, a strengthening central government in Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital, and other efforts saw the piracy beaten back.